save old saugatuck We're a Community, Not a Commodity.
We're dedicated to preserving the safety and stability of the Historic Saugatuck Neighborhood of Westport, CT.
(203) 227-3573
We're dedicated to preserving the safety and stability of the Historic Saugatuck Neighborhood of Westport, CT.
(203) 227-3573
Help Save the Historic Old Saugatuck Community of Westport, CT.
Your contribution today helps to make a difference.
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Dear Neighbors and Friends of Save Old Saugatuck,
Two major disappointments handed to SOS.
From Attorney Joel Green:
An order from the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut has denied our Petition for Certification.
This is obviously deeply disappointing. Having argued before the Supreme Court last week with respect to a matter arising from a another proposed Section 8-30g set aside development, however, I’m not surprised by this ruling. The overwhelming need for affordable housing in Connecticut appears to be strongly influencing judicial review and the outcome of cases involved in any way with this issue.
Under the circumstances, this shall confirm that we are closing our file and shall take no further action in this matter.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter.
Thanks and best regards.
Joel Z. Green, Esq.
This note above from Joel Green quietly ended one of Westport’s longest and strongest efforts by SAVE OLD SAUGATUCK to stop the abuse and exploitation that Connecticut’s housing law 8-30g provided to developer Felix Charney in his dangerous and disgusting proposal to turn a single-family neighborhood of homes… into a chaos of apartment buildings… that will be built on fragile wetlands and carry the potential of killer traffic problems.
At the same time, another 8-30g attack on this single-family neighborhood comes from a proposed nightmare development for the properties at #5 and #7 Hiawatha Lane. To read the CT Post article, click HERE.
What is apparent is the greed and abuse of the CT housing law 8-30g is once again on display in the #5 and #7 Hiawatha Lane application.
At this point we are left with the feeling that the evil of 8-30g will be a permanent factor in our lives.
On the other hand I feel strongly that being so victimized here in Old Saugatuck, we must continue to speak out against 8-30g. We must continue to seek an end to this social and legislative nightmare.
I will continue advocating on behalf of our community if there is agreement and support from neighbors and the community.
Please let me know your thoughts via a phone call, a letter, or an email…
Dear Neighbors and Friends of Save Old Saugatuck,
Our Old Saugatuck neighborhood with its homes and unique history, has always offered a sense of comfort and community. This is what we have worked so hard to protect.
While we wait for a decision from the court, we are approaching multiple holiday celebrations, and I am sharing heartfelt thanks to all of you for your listening, your support, your guidance, and your belief that we can achieve success. Many thanks also to neighbors and friends beyond our community who have been wonderful in their understanding and generous in showing support on our behalf.
Happy Holidays to all. Enjoy every moment.
Thank you CT Insider for covering this important Westport story.
"Westport neighbors take Hiawatha Lane development to state Supreme Court."
To read the news article, click HERE.
9/29/2023 - Dear Neighbors and Friends of Save Old Saugatuck,
Recently we were disappointed to learn that the Connecticut State Appellate Court did not decide in our favor and uphold the existing “single-family house” deed restrictions in Old Saugatuck. But that didn’t stop us. We continue our fight.
Many of you know the odds we've struggled against in this incredibly long fight against the money and power of developer Summit SAUGATUCK LLC/Felix Charney.
For more than 20 years we have been trying to save our historic, working class neighborhood of affordable homes from the grips of a proposal for an out-of-scale, over-built series of apartment buildings. We are talking dangerous over-crowding and life-threatening traffic jams in a one-way in/one-way out neighborhood. We will continue the fight.
We are taking the final legal step - a powerful action to permanently stop Summit SAUGATUCK LLC/Felix Charney from his hell-bent determination to destroy and disappear every home in our neighborhood community… this destruction he refers to as “development”. We will continue our fight.
We are going all the way to Connecticut's top court in our battle of survival. Attorney Joel Green has prepared and submitted documents to the Connecticut Supreme Court with the hope that this case will be selected by the Court for review (Click HERE: https://is.gd/RVVS41 to read the 35-page Petition for Certification). We are continuing our fight.
In the meantime Attorney Green is continuing to keep up his end of this effort in all aspects. He continues to deliver for us. We have a current bill of twenty-nine thousand dollars for these services, that have us at this point today.
A timely money contribution towards the payment of our legal fees to HELP SAVE OLD SAUGATUCK and Westport is greatly needed and appreciated. Any amount helps (Links and contact info. at bottom of page).
Please reach out to me with any thoughts you might have on fund-raising approaches to help secure this money. (CarolanneCurry@att.net)
Please get in touch and help us continue our fight. We will keep you informed as we progress!
The Appellate Court hearing this past Monday was at best brief and over very quickly. As surprising as its swiftness was, the hearing made me realize that now everything pivots to waiting for this crucial decision from the three judges who held the hearing.
During my ride up to Hartford, I kept thinking of the importance of this case as the focus on deed restrictions is the very focus that is going to SAVE OLD SAUGATUCK… with no other distractions.
Once again there will be a wait, which can truly be months or weeks. Whenever this decision is rendered, SOS will know immediately and then immediately notify you.
In the meantime our attorney, Joel Green, has done his work well and needs to be paid for his extraordinary efforts on behalf of our neighborhood as well as our Town.
Can you help a bit with the current bill of $23,000? Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference.
If you need more information from me, please get in touch. (Info. below)
Everyone can take credit for the support and encouragement that has carried SOS to this moment.
From the Appellate Court hearing on Monday, 5/8, here is the audio link that is the complete 37-minute presentations before the three judges. (Click HERE for audio.)
Under discussion is the issue of the restricted deeds to all the houses on Hiawatha Lane Extension. These deeds effectively prohibit the multiple apartment buildings proposed for this location.
So take a listen. We’ve come a long way.
Now the wait begins as well as the need to receive your help with SOS legal costs. Everyone knows that we never gave up fighting against the complete wrongness of the proposed Summit development of 187 apartments.
We are very appreciative of every contribution, from our neighbors in the Saugatuck community to Westporters from across the whole Town... it all helps.
Please consider helping once again so we can complete the journey.
Thank you so much.
Our SAVE OLD SAUGATUCK attorney, Joel Green, sent us this news regarding our lawsuit against Summit Saugatuck LLC: “The appeal has now been scheduled for oral argument before the Appellate Court on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 10:00 AM.”
This is terrific news and better yet, the appeal will be heard before a three-judge panel at the courthouse located at 175 Elm St, Hartford. From my reading, I found their credentials impressive and I think we can be comfortable with their moral and judicial compass.
Read bios of Judges Prescott, Seeley, and Suarez HERE: https://is.gd/uDQJAX
Additional good news is that we can attend the hearing in person at the Hartford courthouse. Yes I am planning to go to Hartford and I am hoping I’m there to hear a winning oral argument from Attorney Green that finally gives our SOS community the closure we deserve in ending this twenty-year battle with a predatory developer. (Directions to the court HERE: https://is.gd/ydTnQh)
So for now get out either your rosary beads or hamsa or your rabbit’s foot or horseshoe so that we tap into every source of help to win this law suit, and please call me if you have any questions.
Last, but not the least at all… is the need for SOS to pay the legal expenses that are outstanding right now, $21,261.
With gratitude for your continued support and contributions.
"Westport Journal" article (https://is.gd/W8MGjv) As Westport’s four-year moratorium to the state’s affordable housing law, widely known by its statutory number, 8-30g, expires next month, a “community conversation” about its impact is planned Feb. 27, 7:00 PM, at the Westport Library. Panelists will be: state Rep. Jonathan Steinberg, D-Westport; Town Attorney Ira Bloom; Planning and Zoning Commission Chairwoman Danielle Dobin, and Evonne Klien, chief executive officer of the Connecticut Center to End Homelessness. The program, organized by the Representative Town Meeting, will be moderated by RTM Moderator Jeff Wieser.
"CT Insider" article (https://is.gd/glYrWU) on Save Old Saugatuck's appeal taking our case from the CT State Superior Court to the CT State Appellate Court. Attorney Green will have the opportunity to present the compelling reasons that legally support retaining a single family neighborhood on Hiawatha Lane Extension and simultaneously would protect every other home in our community of Old Saugatuck. This initial appeal is just the first step in the appeal process... and we will continue to take this as far as possible. We have come so far with your support.
Thank you Dan Woog for your coverage of our efforts to Save The Old Saugatuck community.
"Summit Saugatuck — the 187-unit development on Hiawatha Lane Extension, near I-95 Exit 17 — has plowed ahead.
Last summer, what seemed to be the final steps for construction occurred. The last tenants left their homes, and heavy equipment moved in.
For 2 decades, neighbors have fought the proposal. Yesterday, after countless setbacks, Carolanne Curry — one of the most dogged opponents — sent this message..."
Read the article on Dan's blog "06880" HERE.
Jan 28, 2023.
The good news… is truly good news.
For 20 years we’ve been living with the bad news; the disrupting presence of developer Felix Charney wrecking havoc and and uncertainty in our lives… but today there is good news for all of us who want to Save Old Saugatuck.
For many months our attorney, Joel Green, has been preparing significant legal steps to appeal the recent court ruling and he has prevailed in submitting a formal filing with a 170-page plaintiff’s brief taking our case from the CT State Superior Court to the CT State Appellate Court. This was no easy task as Charney’s attorney, Tim Hollister, created many delays and presented misinformation and intimidations.
Once an appeal has been filed, no property development should progress until the appeal has been settled. Over the next several months Attorney Green will have the opportunity to present the compelling reasons that legally support retaining a single family neighborhood on Hiawatha Lane Extension and simultaneously would protect every other home in our community of Old Saugatuck. (To read online or download a PDF file of the entire brief, click HERE.)
This initial appeal is just the first step in the appeal process... and we will continue to take this as far as possible.
We will keep you updated.
We have come so far with your support.
Phase one (Map A) of the total plan is shown by the yellow spaces. Phase two of the total plan is shown by the blue spaces. Phase 3 is shown by the white spaces, which indicates the final phase of replace and rebuild Old Saugatuck. That adds up to 100% “redevelopment” for all of the entire Old Saugatuck community of homes.
See the rough outline drawn of Charney’s three phases of proposed development to replace and rebuild Old Saugatuck. Note village 1 (Same as yellow in Map A), village 2 (Same as blue in Map A), and village 3 (Same as white in Map A).
Where do you live?
Finally, view Illustration C, provided by the developer and which serves as confirmation and affirmation of how Felix Charney intends to completely restructure and redefined Old Saugatuck into a collection of high-end market units sited on a piece of vulnerable land, filled with wetlands, watercourses, flooding and conservation easements.
Our resistance continues ~ Save Old Saugatuck was formed in 2003 to stop Felix Charney, of Summit Saugatuck LLC, from destroying an historic Westport, CT neighborhood. His development plans will encompass every one of these streets: Ferry Lane West, Hiawatha Lane, Indian Hill Road, Davenport Ave., Heritage Court, Dr. Gillette Circle, Hiawatha Lane Extension, and West End Avenue.
Charney is trying to convince the Westport Conservation Commission that land on Hiawatha Lane Extension is suitable for 187 units of rental housing, and that there is no problem with water, existing wetlands and watercourses in this area, when in fact, it is totally unsuitable for any plan that calls for a combined total of five, three, and four-story buildings.
This area has long been recognized as an area of wetlands, that is frequently saturated with water, and historically has severely limited building permitted.
We are encouraging friends, neighbors and concerned citizens to please share pictures of the flooding that already steadily occurs with the overflow of waterways going through the Hiawatha Lane Extension area.... or any other items you feel relevant... and all are invited to share their present stories and remembrances of this area when it was considered “swampland.
If you have any questions or want to know how you can lend further support or help, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Let’s achieve one more victory for ourselves in our 15-year fight to Save Old Saugatuck.
Carolanne Curry
Click on the PayPal "CONTRIBUTE NOW" button below. PayPal, debit, and credit cards accepted - or - Please make checks payable to:
Save Old Saugatuck
29 Hiawatha Lane Extension,
Westport, CT. 06880
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Stopcharney/
Sign up for my email list for news and updates on Save Old Saugatuck's status, please click HERE.
Help Save the Historic Saugatuck Community of Westport, CT.
Your contribution today helps to make a difference.